Thursday, September 1, 2011

A taste of summer

Yesterday it was in the high 70s and although Santiguinos were still wearing their black high heeled boots and black coats I pulled at the Birkenstocks and took a long walk.  The kids had their short day so we had lunch at home on one of our balconies (we have three).  I also finally hung out laundry to dry and it was done by the end of the day.  I think that we'll spend a lot of time on the balconies once it gets warmer.  The only bad part was that a lot of the snow melted off of the mountaintops so they look kind of barren.


  1. Love the balconies and the photos! Your lunch gang--who this year is morphing into a breakfast gang due to everyone's schedules--misses you!

  2. Hi Sarah,

    Absolutely an insane week here. To summarize, ND played to lose, Kelson raced to win, Peter is almost all better from West Nile (actually missed a faculty meeting and a class and lab!), and we tried to burn down the house. I am hoping for a slightly easier time of it this week.
    It has been hot, hot, hot here, but is much nicer today. The change in weather resulted in 2 1/2 hour delays in the football game, which made it all the mroe miserable. I HATE the hot weather and unfortunately, the little parasite will be out before the winter sets in - I remember the winters when I was pregnant with the other two as being particularly comfortable.

  3. There is actually an American bar here where they broadcast college football and the game was scheduled to be shown but we passed. We'll head down there for a more "important" game ;-) Sounds like they really choked. We tracked it on (and!). It must have been horrible - especially being pregnant! I had images of crowds camping out in Fitzpatrick!

    Hope this week is better! Perhaps I can skype in for breakfast someday! I'll "bring" the avocado/palta.
