Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flor de la Pluma

- Feather flower or wisteria.

As some of you may know one of my favorite flowers is wisteria.  I first fell in love with it one spring when I lived in Durham, North Carolina and now I always try to plan a trip to my folks house in Palo Alto when it is in bloom.  It doesn't seem to grow well in South Bend but I may need to try when we return.  I have descended upon a city with an incredible amount of wisteria and I am in heaven and my kids are sick of me saying "oh my god, those are so beautiful."  I can't do justice to how much wisteria is draping all over the city but the good news is that I learned that the type of wisteria that blooms here blooms a second time in autumn!  We went to the house of one of Rob's colleagues on Sunday for an asado (BBQ with a lot of meat) and they had two immense vines of wisteria surrounding their house.  I just sat there trying to separate out the smell of meat and wisteria running for a full whiff of wisteria periodically.  Here is a shot of their wisteria and then a few others from around town.  I just can't get enough of it!

At a park

At Rob's colleague's house
Around the corner

Just hanging over the street
It is like a weed here - I love it!!!!  (I apologize to those in the northern hemisphere who prefer spring over fall)

Also - just an aside - I am starting to do more work for Notre Dame and I have been searching for a quiet "cafe" where I can work.  It turns out that from 10-12 in the morning the Estadio's cafe is open with nobody there.  Cortado doble and me - it worked well.


  1. Hello Sarah,

    Wet, wet, wet. It has been raining for the last three days and the boys' soccer game was quite the soak-er. But since it was dry for August and much of Sept. the rain has somewhere to go.
    I really like wisteria as well and had it planted at the other house, where it rapidly overgrew the structure. The late frosts always killed the buds, so I only had blossoms one year. If you can live with a bloom rate of one out of six years or so, go for it! Besides, your huge yard is much more sheltered than our old one on the river.
    I love seeing the pictures of the family, and Sarah really got a kick out of seeing Elisa with her long pony-tails. She is actually leaving me alone for a moment to write you. I am "concerned" about her response to the new little one - she spent several days last week crawling into the new stroller and pretending she was a baby. Kids don't regress potty-wise at six years old, do they?
    Peter had his EFRC meeting last week-end, is in in Chihuahua City starting Thursday for five days, and the his dad arrives two days later. Sheeshk.

