Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Experiences with Spanish

I have kept this ongoing list of funny things that we have said/seen in Spanish/English:

1.  Elisa was doing homework in English and she was supposed to color words that start with "P."  There was a penny that she skipped because she thought it was a "moneda!
2.  One night Elisa said that it was "imposible" for her to get to sleep.  She followed it by saying "That means really difficult in Spanish, Mama."
3.  I started taking a spinning class and they told me that I might have a "dolor de tushie" after the class.  That's what I get for taking spinning at a Jewish club.
4.  I use google translate a lot to get the gist of things.  I got an e-mail from Elisa's classroom mom addressed "Hola papas!"  Because it didn't have an accent mark it translated to "Hello potatoes!"  Another time "Si alguna mama de las ninitas" was translated as "If a breast of the little girls...." Obviously, you can't rely solely on google translate!
5.  Also in spinning the instructor keeps saying "Eso es!" which I think means "that's it!" but I keep hearing "S.O.S" as in get me out of this hell.
6.  The kids were playing "volleyball" with a balloon and one yelled to catch the globe (balloon=globo in Spanish). Renee wrote me an e-mail that said "I can't to watch " = no puedo ver.  Boy are they going to be messed up!

I'm sure I'll have more of these as we go on.

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