Sunday, September 25, 2011

La Vega - the shuk

As I wandered the alleys of Santiago's main "shuk" I wished that I had my brother with me with his fancy camera and years of practice taking pictures. The market has been around for over 100 years and apparently the booths are passed down from generation to generation.  I don't really need to replicate the smells, especially of the area surrounding my friend below, but the colors and energy were perfect.  Diedre, the woman that I met from California, invited me to have a coffee and go shopping with her at La Vega this morning.  I would not have thought it would be so crowded on a Sunday morning but it was really bustling.  Here is a quick glimpse of it.  We are headed to Buenos Aires for Rosh Hashanah for five days so I did more observing than buying this time around. l'll attempt to take the kids and a cart there next time.  

Greeted by a Jewish vegetarian's dream

There are many more stray dogs than cats in this city but the cats seemed to have found their nooks in the market.  I even spotted one lying gingerly on a pile of eggs ;-)

Dried peaches to make mote con huesillo

Diedre and the beautiful artichokes at 5/$2

The scene

Cabbage on steroids (next to iceberg lettuce for comparison)

I searched high and low for kidney beans but found this same assortment everywhere

They grow pumpkins huge here and sell them in chunks

Not quite strawberry season - soon, very soon

Chicks and ducklings for sale (Jen Lindley - want one or two?)
Click here for a video of the chicks and ducklings.
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1 comment:

  1. Fed ex the box of chicks right over. Just mark it something different for customs! ;)
