Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Palta (avocado) - Take 2

I finally remembered to bring the camera with me to the grocery store and I started to take some photos of the avocados but as soon as the flash went off security guards and a manager starting screaming at me that I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the produce.  I explained (in Spanish) that I just wanted to show my friends in the States what a beautiful variety of avocados they have at their store and they continued to scream and said that I had to go up and see their supervisor right away - perhaps I looked like the Slugworth of avocados?  I looked at them with a "what the...?" face and walked away having already snapped this photo.   I guess that is what I get for shopping at a high end grocery store - I'll have to get a photo in the outdoor market in the summertime.

P.S.  If anybody wants to see the aisle solely devoted to mayonnaise you'll have to come see it yourself!
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