Monday, September 12, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I had my first glimpse of wisteria on Saturday and the magnolias and cherry trees etc. are in full bloom!  No lilacs though Joanna.  Imagine having trees in bloom in early March in South Bend - wouldn't that be delightful!

We also heard the whistle of the knife sharpening man walking the streets.  Apparently his cousin walks the streets of Buenos Aires because Rob knew what the sound was right away.


  1. And another older cousin traveled the alleys of Philadelphia where he also sold freshly ground horse-radish(כריין in the local dialect)

  2. On the streets of São Paulo, the knife sharpening men drove trucks and advertised their presence through a loudspeaker, often blasting loud music. There were also the men who drove the trucks in the morning advertising the Brazilian version of tamales, and on their loudspeakers would shout, "Pamonha, pamonha, pamonha!" I think I'd prefer a whistle!
