Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jekyll and Hyde

For parents of kids in their early 20s - how long does this stage last??????

Renee had a fantastic day today at a gymnastics meet.  She competed on the lower level but completely aced it because she had a few practices to finally learn the routines and the skills were pretty easy for her.  The coaches wanted to put her even another level down but she showed them that she could do it.  She was on cloud nine and really needed to be there and will now move up to the appropriate level  [Grandparents/abuelos/others who care - I'll send you a link to a youtube video].

She has yet to get a team uniform ;-)

It was at Club Manquehue which is one of five Estadios that are in a "league" together.  It is the German Estadio so there was plenty of kuchen to be had.  They also apparently produced an olympic level male gymnast recently so they had invested both in an excellent facility/equipment and first class coaches.  The best part was watching some of the male gymnasts - I don't get how they can do things like the rings....

After lunch we decided to try out another youth group - this one was at the Estadio and is called Maccabi Israelita.  It was really loud and rowdy.  Not Renee's scene but the other two seemed to have a good time.  The way Renee explained it to me later it made sense.  The12-year old girls were playing silly games where they ended up giving each other wedgies or variations on strip "something" together  - not her cup of tea.  The younger two also ran around doing silly things but more age appropriate.  We'll try out one more next week at a synagogue and then figure out what makes the most sense for everybody.

After dinner, Renee got ready for this weeks' Bat Mitzvah.  It was actually a combo event between a girl in her class' Bat Mitzvah (age 12) and her older brother's Bar Mitzvah (age 13).  I dropped her off at 9:30 and said that I'd pick her up at midnight unless I heard from her earlier (it goes until at least 2:00 but I'm OK if she comes home at midnight!).  She wore her new "flapper" outfit and looked really cute but I am not allowed to upload a photo except so that her friends can see it.  I walked her to the door, gave her a kiss, and she was greeted by two classmates who gave her a kiss (there is a lot of that down here) and the she proceeded to show off her dress with a smile.  The event itself was fancier then anything that I have ever attended - what an experience for her!

It is 10:55 pm and no phone call yet......

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