Saturday, September 24, 2011

Finally Watched a Notre Dame Game and Lights Out

We finally headed to the California Cantina, a local restaurant/bar that shows international sporting events including NFL and NCAA football games.  I e-mailed ahead and confirmed that they would show the Notre Dame-Pittsburgh game, one of the few that was during the day this year and therefore would work for the whole family.  We headed down (about a 15 minute drive towards the center of the city from our place) after our morning Estadio activities and ordered lunch.  We were told that there are normally a lot of Irish fans but there were only two others there today.  We had to leave in the middle of the third quarter when Notre Dame was down 7-12 but in the end they won 15-12 but it was ugly.  Rob and I (and Jonathan) got a kick out of watching it - the girls were bored.

This is before the food was served

I am finishing typing this out as we are having a power outage that is affecting 93% of the country's population but somehow the internet is working in my apartment even though the electricity isn't.  Odd.  The news said that thankfully there was a generator at the stadium where the Ricky Martin concert was being held so it is still being held (that was actually the third bullet point under the news item!)
Renee is at a Bat Mitzvah right now which is bound to be memorable!  Perhaps I can get her to finally blog about something.

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  1. We got the power back after only 2:45 - not so bad. Renee called from the Bat Mitzvah at 11:15 to say that they just started serving dinner - that may have happened even without a power outage here!

  2. One thing that strikes me in rading your posts and seeing your pics is how much "family time" you all are enjoying--hardships and all.
