Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rob and I go a bit wild

So my birthday is in two weeks and since Peter Gabriel was coming to town I asked to go see his concert  for a present.  He has adapted his songs to a full orchestra and is doing a South American tour right now.  It was really interesting how he used the orchestra and the video cameras and videos to make a really amazing show.  He also made a good effort to talk in Spanish which was really appreciated by the audience.

New Blood Orchestra
Peter Gabriel, the conductor, Ben Foster, and the pianist highlighted

Although I stated that we went a bit wild it was definitely pretty tame.  I'd say we were about the average age of the audience.  People were wearing suits and there were definitely no "strange" odors or lighters being held up for encores ;-)  My last big stadium concert was the Grateful Dead at Soldier Field quite a while ago which was a different world on many levels although the average age might have been the same ;-)  Here's a quick video of some of the concert taken from our phone - Digging in the Dirt.

The venue, Moviestar Arena (sponsored by a cell phone company), is located in one of the major public parks right south of town, Parque O'Higgens.  What we didn't realize was that although google maps showed that it would take 25 minutes to get there we were traveling in rush hour and it actually took 1.5 hours.  Given my calm personality I just whistled the whole time while we were in traffic - NOT!  Next time we will take public transportation.  There is also one of the largest amusement parks in Chile in the park - Fantasilandia.  It looked a step up from the St. Joseph County Fair but not too far up.  I am sure that we'll hit it sometime this summer.

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