Monday, November 21, 2011

Dust, dust and more dust

We are only in the middle of Spring and I am already sick of the dust.  Apparently, it gets really bad in the summertime.

I have resisted getting our car washed but we park it underneath our building and there has only been the occasional rain/drizzle (which we probably won't get again until the fall) so it has gone from white to brown.    Why do people purchase white cars anyway?

Clean me - please! (porfa is short for por favor)

I have spent summers in Israel and California where it doesn't rain and somehow they don't have all of this dust.  You even see nanas sweeping it off of sidewalks every morning.  It definitely makes sandal wearing a bit more tricky or at least encourages you to wash your feet more often.  I also am avoiding wearing anything black.

It sounds like, as would be expected, it is due to a combination of construction dust and vehicle emissions.  There are definitely efforts to curb the vehicle emissions but I haven't read anything yet about regulations on construction dust.

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