Monday, November 28, 2011


I gotta get a life!  We are definitely looking at this as a record of our year and hope to print it out using some on-line service to make it a book of memories as told by Mama.  I guess that keeps me going.

So as part of blogspot you can count your "hits" and see your audience, at least their country of origin.  Some  countries are obvious (U.S., Chile, Uruguay, Canada, and Israel) but there remains a mystery as to who in Russia, Latvia, El Salvador, Romania, Germany, Spain and others is interested in my family's experience in Chile. Intriguing or creepy depending on how you look at it but I guess that is the nature of blogging.  Who are you guys and how did you find this?????

As of November 27, 2011, a bit over four months after starting this, I have had 4, 601 (or 4.601 for the non-Americans) hits although at least 2,000 are my parents, in-laws and a few die-hard friends.  The average these days is about 20 hits/day.   Again, somewhat inspiring but somewhat odd.

I will continue onward - anything else you'd like to know about Chile????  Nine more days of school left and then we'll start exploring a bit more, I hope.