Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Chilean Thanksgiving

Some of my most memorable Thanksgivings have either been when I lived abroad or in grad school - both times I had to be creative either because of cost or availability of ingredients.  

We planned a feast with our friends from California Deidre and Ed and their girls and they had a guest who had arrived this morning, Katy, who joined us as well and was surprisingly alert.  The food challenges were more along the lines of having a small oven and refrigerator. I opted for just a turkey breast (although they had full turkeys available as well) to fit in the oven and fridge.  For some reason they sell the cranberry sauce in the can here but no fresh cranberries so we had both the true "molded" sauce complete with the can rings as well as a more chunky variety.  Sage and thyme are both available so the stuffing was easy.  Deidre and family brought a great squash soup laced with aji verde (a hot green pepper), some relative of the sweet potato casserole that I doctored up with marshmallows, broccoli, bread, ice cream and wine!  I was also able to find cranberry juice which we combined with agua con gas for the kids.  We were all traditionally stuffed so it worked.

My annual handling of a bird (or part of one)

All the adults grew up on the East Coast so we reminisced about snowy Thanksgivings while it was 84 degrees outside

The "traditional" peach kuchen and an apple crisp
We (at least the adults) were all grateful to have friends with whom to celebrate, the health, finances, and will to take a sabbatical, and the lovely mountains in the background!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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