Tuesday, November 15, 2011


- that would be lice.  We are on alert because Elisa is having a scratch-athon but no little critters or their eggs yet just some flakey skin from a sunburn, I hope.

That said, being who I am, I immediately went to work to figure out how they get rid of lice down here.  Apparently, it is quite prevalent and most school kids get it several times a year.  Given that and cheap labor I was pleasantly surprised to find an entire industry devoted to ridding your child of lice.  Starring the Charlie's Angels of lice removal:

Which angel are they missing?

Here is just a short sample of what is offered.  These places don't list their prices but I saw a shampoo and comb-through for anywhere from $6-$20.  As any parent who has done this knows - it is well worth it!


I am looking for a career change. Do you think that I could make enough doing this in Northern Indiana to offset the risk to me and my family?

UPDATE:  She has them.  The rest of us don't, for now.  Since I have time I am just going to do the normal home treatment but I must admit I went over to meet Charlie and get a quick head check from the experts.  Nothing there but a massive head of hair.  The best part of combing out Elisa's hair is that I am doing it on the balcony with a view of snow-covered mountains.  I haven't mentioned them in a while but amazingly with 85 degree weather down here they are still snow-covered.

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