Saturday, March 3, 2012

Que tengan un buen ano nuevo escolar

School started on Friday and after a long "summer" it was a bit of a shock for all.  One day we were saying goodbye to Abuelos and the next they were back in uniforms and immersed back in Spanish.

Elisa started 2nd grade, Jonathan 4th, and Renee 7th.  Seventh grade is considered the beginning of high school at the school so they stop having classes in English except English class.  Hopefully with only three months to go they will still be able to pick up some language skills.  Elisa got invited to a playdate right after school (she wants me to add that she forgot her stuffed "angry bird" there) and I took the other two out for ice cream.  I wish I could report smiles all around but a smile and a half isn't that bad.  Last day of school is June 2nd for the kids and then we'll travel a bit to Uruguay and somewhere else to be determined before heading back on June 18th.

We finished celebrating Renee's birthday with a Bravissimo Copa Milenium Berries (we shared it) and sushi for dinner before school started.

I'm losing steam on blog ideas so if anybody has anything else that they are dying to know about Chile let me know (of course, the wine harvest season has started so I have at least one more idea.....)

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