Saturday, March 24, 2012

Early morning tremor

OK, I finally felt one.  I was just woken up at 4:30 by a 5.1 tremor 50 km from Santiago (the local news says 5.3 - I don't know the difference!).  I thought some kid was shaking the bed and I was going to scream at him/her until I looked up and it kept going and nobody was standing there.   Definitely freaky and definitely glad that I don't permanently live in an earthquake zone, that the kids did not wake up as well, and that Chile engineers are leaders in designing tall buildings for seismic events. I can't begin to imagine how the one in February 2010 felt - it was an 8.8 - so 10,000 stronger??  Yikes! Back to bed - maybe.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    That really hits home since we live on a similar fault to Santiago's here in BC.
    I'm glad it was only a 5! It sure got my attention hearing you had this experience.
    Best wishes for an uneventful return to the stable ground of South Bend!
    As for the coffee issue, I think spending their formative years in BA has left Rob and Lucy with rather high standards on the coffee front, I think of the cafe experience there (or in Punta) as akin to a religious rite.
    Best wishes to all

    1. Well, that answers your question as to what will I have to write about?!We Californians are all trained to know that many more people are hurt by tornadoes than by earth shaking.
      papa'(aka anonymous)
