Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Santiago has one American-style amusement park, Fantasilandia, and we have been planning a day there for some time. Somehow summer got away from us so we packed it in the day before we headed off for Uruguay.   They have never been to anything more than the county fair so it was quite the experience.  I used it as a chance to check up on my Spanish progress and the kids used it to see who could deal with spinning rides and who could deal with long drops.  We lasted six hours, actually we lasted five hours and then continued for an hour on adrenaline, water rides and junk food.


Duh #2

Not sure this was an appropriate ride for Chile.

The tsunami ride was basically going in a boat and having one large drop into a pool of water and making a big splash that gets the onlookers on the bridge wetter than the passengers.  After an inadequate dousing on the ride, the kids went for the full treatment.

The obligatory cotton candy and ice cream

More scenes of sibling love (not to be confused with the scene about 10 minutes earlier - this was between five and six o'clock)
The highlight for me was the top of every roller coaster when I got a view of the Andes - I'm going to miss those mountains......

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