Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Coffee/cafe Scenes

When my sister was here she noted that we seemed obsessed by coffee.  Perhaps it is more an obsession with trying to find some good coffee here.  Although both Rob and I had visited Chile before we both had imagined (hoped for?) more of a Buenos Aires coffee culture here.  The default coffee here is Nescafe.  As I mentioned before there are also quite a lot of Starbucks.  That said, there are hidden gems and at most nice restaurants you can order an espresso-based drink (cafe espress).  Rob and I prefer the cortado which here is like a latte back home.

My staple - a cortado doble at the Estadio

What I observe while sipping my cortado - Elisa is actually studying Hebrew in the picture.

On one of our balconies not reading the Sunday New York Times

They get the latte minus the cafe

Sarah's cortado at a cafe with Diedre

Almost feels like Argentina, almost
Renee prefers a submarino (chocolate bar dunked in steamed milk)

I know this is already on the blog but I had to repeat it.  An Argentine breakfast  - mmmmmmm
I can't leave this topic without at least mentioning the "Cafe con Piernas" culture here.  Despite Chile being a relatively conservative Latin American country, there are quite a few cafes downtown that serve "coffee with legs."  They are something akin to Hooters in the States where there are women wearing very little clothes and high heels serving coffee mostly to business men.  Seeing that this is a "family" blog I'll let you search for any additional information.
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