Thursday, March 29, 2012

Día del Joven Combatiente (Day of the Young Combatants)

I knew that we had a bunch of religious holidays coming up in addition to Easter (more on those later) but this one showed up out of the blue.  Last night I found out that activities are cancelled at the Estadio to let the teachers get home early.  The didn't tell the kids why but just said to ask people at school - so much for teaching moments.

It turns out that El Dia del Joven Combatiente, which is not officially recognized, initially commemorated the killing of two brothers during the military regime in 1985 but has turned into an overall day of protests and remembrance by the Chilean left.  I was warned this morning that today would not be a good day to do some sightseeing in downtown or really anywhere in Santiago.  The papers say that they expect violent protests in 23 areas but the map doesn't show any in the barrios altos (the high neighborhoods or where the wealthy, and we, live). According to Marcela (the Nana), as would be expected most people forget what the day is commemorating and just take it as a day to vandalize.  Warning taken - I'll say at home and do our taxes instead.

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