Sunday, March 11, 2012

100 days to go

That really doesn't sound like enough time!  I have already started three blog entries that we will upload right before we leave:

1.  What we will miss about Chile
2.  What we will not miss about Chile
3.  What we are most looking forward to going home

Each person is contributing and I am keeping a running list.  You can guess who has the shortest and the longest answer for each one ;-)

School is in full swing and all, especially Renee, are swamped with homework. We are all back in our classes at the Estadio (Renee - gymnastics, Jonathan - tennis AND swimming, Elisa - gymnastics and swimming, me - pilates and an adult swim "team").  Birthday party and Bar/Bat mitzvahs are starting again (we have given Renee a "bye" for the Bar/Bat Mitzvahs - how miserable can you make a kid?).  The weather continues to be beautiful (but the pools are all shutting down next weekend) and hopefully will stay that way for the next 100 days!

The first week of school included the Jewish holiday of Purim where we commemorate the Jewish people's survival in ancient Persia (Book of Esther).  We made hamantaschen to pass out at school, Elisa dressed up as Pippi again (how many times can I use that costume!), and the kids were sugared up for the day.

Purim decorations at school

No more Queen Esthers in second grade

Pepita Medialargas or Bilbi (the Israeli version)

A visit with Hazzan David and Ellen Tilman from Philly (with separate connections to my grandmother Reba, Aunt Hannah, first cousin once removed Sheva, first cousin once removed Ezra, Beit Shraga in Albany, and many more)

Jonathan finally got to walk (or was walked by) a dog - he really really needs one

Elisa is never going to be satisfied with a birthday party in the backyard again.  This is the typical scene at birthday parties here ;-)

Having some Chilean sanguches (sandwiches) to "celebrate" (OK, I had a salad)

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the Cantor and his wife - he sings a great Kol Nidre!
    Jody Reinbold
