Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Renee!! - Updated

Is this the little girl I carried?

12 years ago we welcomed Renee Florencia Nerenberg into the world.  We heard and keep hearing how fast kids grow up and it is so true.  She is a bright, curious, beautiful, sensitive, sweet, slender, musical, responsible, independent, cat-lover, hugger, book-devouring, back-flipping, bug-loving, Spanish-speaking, world-traveling young lady and a pretty good sport at that.  This has not been the easiest experience for her (OK, this has been really hard) but overall she has taken it as it comes thanks to e-mail, skype, e-books, and air-conditioning, when we can find it.  We are proud of her!

She had eight friend/family Skype calls on erev birthday  Here's Olivia Skyping in the car on the way to dinner - incredible!
A gift of Abuela's butter curler found in Rochester sometime in the 60s - not the typical 12-year old gift but Renee is not the typical 12-year old ;-)
You may ask "what is a butter curler?"  Check out:  Then, you may ask why did she get one?  She has often been spied making butter sculptures and has "ooed and aahed" when she saw cool butter curls.  Gilly, my mother-in-law, just happened to be a proud owner of one but was ready to pass it on.  To watch Renee using her's for the first time:

Breakfast with a submarino (steamed milk and chocolate bars added) and Mama and Papa at a seaside restaurant - La Boca Chica

Lunch in La Barra and a walk with Abuela and Elisa

A real treat - jumping the waves on February 27th!!
What would have been a better treat (thank you Uncle Danny)!!!

and ended with a Silver Palate Carrot Cake 

We love you Renee!


  1. Happy Birthday, dear Renee~~~

  2. Happy Birthday

  3. I was there 12 years ago too. Time does fly! Happy Birthday Renée. I still have the photo on my dresser of Mama, Renée and me from your baby naming.

    Love, Grandma

  4. Feliz cumpleaños! Wish I could be in Uruguay with you today (one day you will dream about being able to return, don't forget to enjoy it while you are there)

  5. Now I remember what Sarah looked like when I met her. She looks exactly like you.

    1. I should hope not ;-) She is missing the Bo Derek braids and overall but perhaps that is too early 80s ;-)
