Friday, February 17, 2012

Punta del Este, Uruguay Part I

We arrived in Punta del Este on Valentines Day and were met by some of my blog fan club (my in-laws, my sister-in law, and her family).  Given that I have been here over 12 times I decided to take a break from obsessive blogging and just give you a taste of Punta in photos.

Visit to the Los Dedos (the fingers - a classic photo-op)

Renee - close up, in 2004

Close up, in 2010

Close up, 2012 - and she climbed up herself!

With cousins Ana and Rachel

Cousin Rachel

Rob and his sister Lucy

The girls met and played with some Argentine girls on the beach.

Jonathan, Rob, and Alberto (Abuelo) went together to find somebody to teach Jonathan how to fish

I am hoping that Peter Burns or somebody back in South Bend can give him a few tips......

After getting over the initial shock of killing something in order to eat it, it was fried up for dinner.
Rachel and Jonathan enjoying a pre-dinner walk on the beach
Rob and I are going to Buenos Aires Friday night for two days and Rachel and Jonathan will contribute a guest blog of the weekend with Abuelos (and we may throw in a bit of BA).

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