Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time for me to go to school

I finally had time to set up some Spanish classes for myself.  There are a lot of schools to choose from but after researching and visiting a few I decided to go to Tandem Santiago.  There were definitely some less expensive ones but they were not as convenient to the Metro nor were they smoke free (another difference between countries).

I am going to start with 3 hours/3 days a week for two weeks and see where that leads me.  I decided on private lessons mostly because I don't feel like going five days a week and I can have a more targeted lesson.  I had my first lesson this morning and it was perfect.  Although I did five levels of Rosetta Stone before coming and I have listened to over 11 years of Rob talking to the kids, I still can't conjugate a verb or always remember when to use ser vs. estar.  So the teacher figured out where I was pretty fast and we did a quick review of basics and then plunged into the holes in my grammar.  She kept asking if it was too much grammar and I kept saying it was a relief after the grammar-less Rosetta Stone (as well as the fact that as an engineer I love the mathematical nature of grammar).

On top of all that Elisa's has gone through, she got a stomach flu or food poisoning last night so I stayed up with her last night and she stayed home with Rob today.  He was planning on teaching a colleague's class while he was away at a conference, but apparently there was a student strike at the University so he was unsure if students would even show up.  Not ideal for anybody but it looks like Elisa is doing fine today.

Off to do some homework!

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