Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Banging of pots and pans again

So up in our cushie world to the east of downtown not much has been different today except for the pot and pan banging going on.  But around the city there have been marches, clashes with police and sit-ins.  The buses ended up running but people were really nervous and those who didn't have to go downtown didn't.  Elisa was supposed to have a field trip that was just in our area of town and it was cancelled and all activities at the Estadio were cancelled.  The streets are more deserted than normal but folks are on their balconies banging away at the pots and pans!  Just to share with you how bizarre this sounds check out;

Update:  The latest on the local paper's website:

11:30 -  Un grupo de mujeres, que se identificó como prostitutas, se pliega a la convocatoria.  

I'll let you translate that one - what is the world coming to????

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