Tuesday, August 2, 2011

La Nana y yo soy vegetariana

This is how I am finally going to learn Spanish.  The Nana, who only comes twice a week, doesn't understand a word of English.  I think that she is more expensive than most so I don't think that we'll ask her to come much more often.  She has worked for the owner of the apartment for 15 years so we figured it was better not to rock the boat.

She apparently used to work as a chef somewhere so I figured that when she came today I'd ask her to make something typically Chilean for us next time she came.  With the help of Google Translate I have my official shopping list to make pastel de choclo y pebre this week and we'll try cazuela de ave next week.

She definitely had a hard time grasping that not only will I not eat meat but that I won't eat ham, chicken, or turkey either. This seems to be common.  I ordered a vegetarian salad the other day and it came with turkey.  I'll learn.....

She asked me what else she could do besides cleaning the apartment and cooking.  I shook my head and she said how about if I wash the sheets and iron them.  When was the last time I ironed my sheets??????  I am sure that I can find things for her to do in time....maybe some Chilean desserts?


  1. Try the ironed sheets. It is fabulous!

  2. Wow, I just read all of your blog entries -- what a wild beginning! You are such a great sport, super mom and amazing woman! Can't wait to keep reading...
