Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Chileans are Snow Wimps!

So while finishing up my class today I get a call from Renee that school is closed.  During my class the teacher kept looking out the window because it was precipitating something in between snow and rain.  Given that the kids' school was "up" the hill I had a feeling that they got some snow.  It was about 0.8 cm of snow according to Renee (and a lesson in how many millimeters make up a centimeter for J. and E.).  Apparently, they all freaked out and closed school.  It took me 1:45 to get there because I took the metro to a bus (but the buses were so packed that I waited for 15 minutes and then gave up) to my car to a horrible traffic jam (taco).  Meanwhile at school, they were somehow able to form snowballs.  My kids sat on the sidelines wondering what was so exciting!  Apparently this is a once in ten year event and we were here to enjoy it.  Estadio is closed and school may be tomorrow.  You never know how long clean-up will be ;-)

This is about how much snow there was (from the local newspaper)

Snow forced to suspend classes at universities and high schools sector

1 comment:

  1. You must have been surprised at their reaction!
