Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Well......welcome to Latin America

We made it with all ten bags and five tired people.  Rob's colleague Pablo picked us up at the airport with a taxi/van and we proceeded to our aparthotel that, despite our earlier contacts, told us that it would not be available until 3:00 (it was 11:00).  We continued onto his house and spent the day (and now night) there as it became more apparent that it was never going to be available.  So......we're camping out here and will try and find another place tomorrow.  We are all too tired to really care but are lucky that Pablo and family have been so accommodating.

The quote of the day was from Jonathan who asked "If we had a reservation why can't we stay there?"  The response from me was "Welcome to Latin America!"

Buenos noches


  1. This too shall pass.!Please read my e-mail about the cell phone number.

  2. It's an adventure already! Thank goodness for Pablo. Hope you were able to settle in today. We're following along. Oliver just said, "I miss Jonathan already." We'll have to Skype once you're settled in.

    Have a great first weekend!
