Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 6 - I quit

Looks like we are headed to our fourth hotel room in four nights and might need to move to a 5th one tomorrow night.  There are many, many hoops to go through to rent an apartment and Rob's work has been very helpful but it is still taking time.  Let's not even talk about identity cards or buying a car!

We woke the kids up early to get ready for school and nothing turned out as we hoped it would.  It was raining hard so it was difficult to get a taxi (it took 40 minutes).  Once we got to the school it turned out that it was a day just for looking at the school and meeting the administration.  Tomorrow the kids need to return to take some sort of exam and then on Wednesday they'll start school, maybe.  Our challenge is going to be convincing them that Elisa belongs in 1st grade because based on her age she should be in Kindergarten.  The issue is the older kids get out at 4:00 and "Kinder" gets out at 1:30!  So it is a Mama issue!

Today is the coldest day and it was completely freezing in the school.  Renee lost feeling in her toes ;-)  The school kids were wearing down coats in the classrooms and teachers had on boots, scarves, and long coats.  The school is at the foothills where it can be 8 degrees colder than where we are living.  Also, it rained "down here" but snowed pretty close to the school - Where is Midwestern heat and humidity when we need it?????  Dreams of Swanson Pool.

Midway through our visit at the school Jonathan's jaw locked up - obviously we are all feeling stress.  Not to mention the consistent whining of #3.  No worries - they are all watching Cartoon Network in Spanish - it's all about immersion ;-)


  1. Don't quit! It's just an adventure, that's all. :) You will be settled in before you know it.

    Glad the kids could Skype tonight. We'll do it again soon.

    Oliver says, "Have a good first day of school, Jonathan!"

  2. Wow, this is what memories are made of, I guess!
