Friday, July 22, 2011

As promised?

We've had a crazy few days and we've had the opportunity to see Rob stressed which rarely, rarely happens.  It has been harder than "promised" to find either a short-term rental (extended stay hotel) or a longer-term rental.  As we were setting off for a day of apartment-hunting a secretary from Rob's new office called with the name of an apart-hotel for us - the catch was that we had to stay in three rooms over three nights and then wouldn't know what would happen next.  We took it and here we are watching Cartoon Network in Spanish - at least there is some educational value?

We saw four apartments one of which may work out well (the possibility) but is about a 15 minute walk from the Metro and a bit of a haul to the school.  It has an incredible view of the mountains (Danny - I promise we'll get the camera out soon) - almost every place does in the outskirts of town.  It is in a neighborhood with apartments and houses and some small parks.  My dream was to have a few cafes around the corner but Rob and I agree that this is no Buenos Aires or Paris ;-)

The kids start school in two days - yikes!  We haven't had time to shop for uniform stuff yet but they can always wear other clothes....

OK - Danny - although we haven't taken any pictures this is what we saw from every apartment window today - 

It was really clear y espectacular!

Quote of the day care of Elisa "Why do we have to walk EVERYWHERE??"  Mama  "Because it is a real city."

Mañana es un nuevo dia!

1 comment:

  1. הכל בידי השמים חוץ מיראת השמיים
