Sunday, July 24, 2011

Copa America

Who would have thought that I'd be listening to Rob and Jonathan yelling "GOAL!" from the hotel bedroom after less than a week here. It is the Copa America (the Latin American championship soccer tournament) and although Chile has already been knocked out the streets and Metro clearing out at around 2:30.  It is the final between Uruguay and Paraguay - but I am sure that you knew that already ;-)  Rob's folks live in Uruguay so we have some sort of allegiance to the country which makes it a bit amusing to watch (2-0 at the half).

We did a bit of the tourist thing this morning - La Moneda (the presidential palace), Plaza de Armas, and Bellavista (a trendy neighborhood that leads to a funicular to go up San Cristobal).  It was too cloudy (smoggy?) to see anything so we just ate in Bellavista and went back to the hotel.  Again - photos were taken but we have no clue where the cord is to upload them!  We have three of our 10 bags with us and are definitely missing some things.

School starts tomorrow and the anxiety is definitely building mostly with child #1.  Hopefully it will not be too painful after a few weeks.....

Did I mention that it was really cold here?  We went into a museum to warm up only to find that everybody was wearing their winter coats inside.  Oh well.

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