Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gender Bending

We have yet to see a Chilean girl with hair above her shoulders and yet to see a nine-ish year old Chilean boy with hair at his shoulders - this has led to some challenges.  Today we went to the shopping mall to buy Renee shoes and we went to the woman's department because she wears a 9.5!  As I stumbled through my Spanish trying to ask the lady for black tied shoes in her size the lady looked at us incredulously and kept saying "niño" and I kept saying that she had big feet and belonged in this department.  For those who know little Spanish you could maybe sympathize with my ignorance as I thought she was saying that we had to go to the kids department not the boys department.  When she finally brought out the shoes I tried to ask if she thought Renee was a boy and she nodded.  Oops - gotta get Renee to wear longer earrings!

As for Jonathan, he is a hit with the older set -  all of the Mom's keep playing with his long "blond" hair.  Elisa just gets her cheeks and chin caressed and pinched periodically.

Oh - I have to eat my words - the Internet people showed up at 12:45 (scheduled for between 9-1) and got it all done in a day!  Efficiency!!!!!

Most Chilean middle-class and up homes employ domestic help or a Nana because it is relatively inexpensive.  When we were staying at Pablo's his Nana helped out a lot with meal preparation, child care, and house cleaning.  I am sure that I could get used to that!  Our apartment came with a "built-in" Nana who can come twice a week for 4 hours at a time.  After mopping a day's worth of soot off the floor this morning I think that I understand why daily help might be nice!  As I was sweeping and mopping Elisa said "Mama - why are you doing that?  Doesn't the lady do that for you?"  Obviously she is getting acculturated faster than I!

Renee just remarked that I am going to probably slow down with blogging once things settle in.  Probably true but this has been a lot of fun.  Renee - do you want to add anything?   "I am really happy that I can Skype my friends."


  1. Boy, the "touching" business sounds familiar. Okay for a little while, but it probably will get trying. How is Jonathan taking that. And no way does Renee look like a girl!

  2. Update - he had to get his hair cut a bit for school and the barber butchered it. So much for the long "blond" hair - not a happy kid.
