Tuesday, July 5, 2011

14 days and counting

As we are preparing to head to Santiago for the year, friends keep asking if we will be blogging so.....I'm going to attempt it!

We have 14 days until we leave and things are basically under control on this end but I am going to attempt to leave my Type A personality here (I'll at least try) and hopefully things will slowly come together on the other side. We arrive on 7/20 and the kids start school on 7/25 (after winter break) and that's about all that is in-line right now. Car, apartment, cell phone, etc. will hopefully be figured out the first week or so and then......

Meanwhile we are leaving summer and heading towards winter which in itself will be a challenge at least for me.

Santiago weather
Partly Cloudy 32 °F
Partly Cloudy

South Bend weather -

Clear 86 °F

We'll keep checking the weather in December and we be uploading beach pictures! I'm going to see if I can get at least Renée and Jonathan to join in on the blogging (to keep up their English writing skills ;-) )

Meanwhile back to canceling utilities and setting up e-bills. Nice to be doing this in the 21st century!


  1. Wow, that was a short summer vacation! Good thing they are too young to really know and care! L'hitraot v'neseyiah tova!

  2. In keeping with the above tenor, Bon voyage! What an exciting experience for everyone. I promise to read every word.
