Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Half Way Point!

Today is our official half way point.  We celebrated by going for a swim at the Estadio and then out to a traditional Chilean sandwich place for dinner, Fuente Chilena, and Renee celebrated by boycotting anything Chilean and eating at home ;-) 

A boy with his meat and fries

The veggie option - super yummy!

A man with his meat and other things

Renee and I started the day saying goodbye with a coffee and panqueque con manjar to Diedre and family who are off to Peru for three weeks before heading home to California.  For the next two weeks Jonathan is attending a summer camp at Nido de Alguilas, the international/American school and Elisa is doing a summer camp at the Estadio.  Renee starts intensive gymnastics training at the best Estadio for gymnastics in town, Stadio Italiano, tomorrow for the month and I hopefully start cleaning up and working again....

Farewell to the Savino-Maurer family!
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