Friday, January 27, 2012


We have been really lucky that the boom in electronic readers happened before we left (and that our library just started their digital loaning program).  We have friends who went on sabbatical seven years ago who had boxes of books shipped to them whereas we just log onto our library back home and can download books instantly.  The older two kids each have a Nook and Rob and I each have a Kindle.  The reason we have both had to do with the fact that our local library until maybe October would only lend out e-books compatible with the Nook - now they allow both but at least Renee has read almost everything of interest to her now from the library and we have started to purchase e-books (if only I could get her into 100-year old books that are free!).  Since we came here somehow Barnes and Noble now allows international downloads as well so everything is seamless and we got a generous Hanukkah gift from my folks to feed our habit. 

Everywhere we read our "books" kids come over to watch what game we are playing and then leave in disappointment and disbelief.  I have seen three other people reading books on e-readers but it has definitely not caught on.  Although the kids were discouraged from bringing books to school to read during downtime (what a difference from the States - I think the Director wanted to make sure that they were socializing), eventually Renee downloaded the app for her itouch to read books at school on her itouch.  Not sure how much she read and how much she played games :-)  [Note from Renee - she only read on it but the other kids asked to play on it]

The best part for me is that I can still read my New Yorker.  Yes, the cartoons are there but they are all bunched in a section at the end and do not increase in size if you increase the type size which occasionally is an issue with my over-40 eyes.  They also just sent something out saying that the monthly New Yorker Kindle subscription is going up from $2.99/month to $5.99/month in mid-June - perfect timing! I also have taken advantage of the free classics and more free time than usual and read quite of few of those books I should have read in high school or college my favorites so far being Dracula, Great Expectations, and Wuthering Heights.

Rob doesn't need reading glasses yet but maybe he just makes the type larger in denial????
P.S.  We went to school to check out some library books before they close for the summer (English and Spanish) and when Renee took her's out she said "It's just nice to have a real book."  Guess they aren't completely sold on it.
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