Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Collection of Observations (#5)

Yet another round:

1.  The completo - Although nobody in the family has yet eaten a fully-dressed Chilean hotdog complete with mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes, and mashed avocado, we continue to be fascinated by it.  This is a condiment bar at a movie theater where we saw The Muppets.  I think that I'll have to go back and see it in English to get the full meaning of the movie!

You would think that the green container had palta - nope - ketchup.  The  red has "hot" sauce.

2.  A sign at Nido, the American school.

Seems practical and I probably could have gotten this one without words in any language!

3.  13 year old birthday parties - no spa parties here:

Birthday girl Dana up front
Instead of a birthday cake they often have the cuchuflis (wafer thin tubes with manjar inside) wrapped up like this.  Avoids having to wash more dishes!

4. Hand clapping games - Elisa is becoming a master of 6-7 year old hand clapping games.  See if you can catch her Chilean accent ;-)

5.  Lounging at the Estadio.  They have a variety of colored chairs so that you can sit in a circle and talk to friends (check out the scene behind Renee).

I prefer the polka-dotted chairs and Renee added the rainbow arrangement

6.  Chauffeurs - I have already tackled the widespread use of Nanas (housekeepers/babysitters) by the middle class and above but I haven't hit on chauffeurs yet.  I had heard that many families employed chauffeurs but I didn't quite understand what that meant until last week.  A friend of Elisa's who is in her class and at camp with her is always being picked up by a 30-something guy who, in my naive American way, I assumed was her uncle.  She invited Elisa over after camp for a playdate so I had to spontaneously make arrangements with him at camp pick-up.  I asked if he was her uncle and he replied that he works for her parents.  It still didn't click (it is just beyond my South Bend world) until Elisa confirmed that he was their chauffeur. Both of her parents work, they have four kids to shlep around, labor is relatively cheap - so why not!  Can you imagine how much less time you'd spend in your minivan if you had a chauffeur do it for you?????  Hmmmmmmm - tempting.  I'd probably miss my All Things Considered and listening to the back seat chatter.

7.  Cats - when Renee is down we head for a few known cat hangouts for a pet-athon.  This was at Los Dominicos.

A cat that sort of resembles our cat at home, Ginger.

She reminds me of another 11-12 year old I once knew....
Yes, I was trying to "feather" my ultra-straight hair

8.  Banco de Crédito e Inversiones (BCI):  No - this is not our bank but it is our favorite advertisement.  The motto of the bank is "Somos Diferentes (we are different)" and they have these four "things" that bounce around in advertisements on TV and grin on advertisements around town. If this was the States, the bank would be giving out stuffed versions of the characters for little (and big) kids but so far we haven't found any.  They are quite loveable especially for a bank advertisement!

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