Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of School Parties and Graduation

Given that this is a record of our year I thought it appropriate to include a bit about the end of the school year which was three weeks ago.

The school that they attend is divided into three parts:  the Gan (2-5 year olds), Basica (1st-6th grade), and Media (7th-12th grade).  Renee just finished 6th grade so they had a "formal" graduation at the end of the year with a follow-up pool party at Mijal's house.

The Director of Basica, Anabella Farba handing out diplomas 

Mora Maca (Macarena) - Because it is a Jewish school all of the teachers are called  Mora/More (teacher in Hebrew)

Rivka and Dana

Mijal (Michal - many of the kids have Israeli names)

Tania, Dania, Antonia, and Dana

First grade had a presentation for parents at school where they showed what they learned in Spanish, Hebrew and English.  It was impressive!

Mora Claudia

Mora Zenta (they had two teachers in 1st grade)


Fe-Fi - Fernanda

Jonathan did not have a formal event at school but had a presentation earlier where they showed what they learned in English - he nailed it ;-)

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