Monday, December 19, 2011

They're here! Day #1 Friedland Family Visit

The long-awaited visit of the Friedland Family is finally here -  my sister Rachel, brother-in-law Andrew, niece Naomi (10) and niece Samantha (7),   They flew from San Francisco via Lima and had enough time to try a Peruvian empanada and to notice that it would be very hard for anybody over 5'2" to buy clothing in Peru.

They were, of course, exhausted so they napped in the morning at their aparthotel (Rachel thought that she couldn't do it but could) and then came over for lunch, went to the Estadio for a tour and swim and then had dinner.  I dropped them off around 9:00 at the aparthotel - still waiting to see if they could go to sleep last night since it is a 5 hour difference for them.

Rachel wore the dreaded Land End skirt and marked herself as a Gringa right away!

Andrew trying to blend in with the well-coiffed 80-year olds while taking in some kitschy Jewish choral music 
The general plan is four days in and around Santiago, four days at the beach, three days for Rachel and Andrew in Buenos Aires while we watch the kids and then a final two days here.  Stay tuned for how the actual plan pans out!  Perhaps I can even get a guest blog out of them...
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