Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Refugio Lo Valdes - guest blogger

Several people have suggested staying at this Refugio in the mountains for a weekend.  It is about a 2.5 hour drive away and they have trails, horseback riding, hot springs, and just a nice rustic feel in the mountains.  We planned to go this past weekend because school was over and it was before my sister and family came and before summer camps started.  What we didn't plan on was that Elisa got a 103 degree fever Friday night so I stayed home with her and the rest went up since we already paid for a room.

The rest of this is written by Jonathan who was there ;-):

Me and Renee on the see-saw with the refugio behind us.

When we first got there we found a really nice dog who was really old, but he was very fun.

Us with the dog.

After settling in we got hungry enough to go to their "afternoon tea" which consisted of tea or coffee, strudle , bread (nobody liked the bread,it was too dry), ham, cheese, butter and jelly.  For tea and breakfast on the menu it was one meal for tea (see "afternoon tea") and the same meal for breakfast except that it came with a bowl of under-cooked scrambled eggs.

our afternoon tea

The comfy chairs up front

A pond next to the driveway (with tadpoles as Renee observed - added by Renee)

my friend the dog

At the entrance to the building

our room

horseback riding in the mountains (sorry that I missed those views :-(  -Sarah)
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  1. Looks wonderful, love the doga shot! Good story telling J.

  2. What a beautiful horse trail!

  3. Wow, that is quite a view of the mountains.
    You look like real gauchos on those horses!
    What a wonderful place to visit and such great "guest" blogging too!
    Uncle Robert
