Monday, December 5, 2011

Rob's trip up north, way north

Rob accompanied some colleagues on a sampling trip last week in the way north of Chile near Putre, a bustling town of 2,000, near Peru.  It is east of Arica in the mountains.


The sampling troops

The actual sampling was done even further up in the mountains at something like 13,000 ft but he didn't get altitude sickness.  He described it as having a moonscape and extremely desolate.  It sounds like they were working on a project for the government to characterize the drainage from closed (and existing?) mines because of the effects it has on downstream agriculture.  He took a lot of pictures so I hope that he eventually blogs on it but my favorite was a video he took of a herd of vicuna at one of the sites:

1 comment:

  1. a quote from reddit "Es increible me gustó mucho el blog, como ve las cosas desde su punto de vista americano dandole un toque interesante cosas que para mi son normales."
