Saturday, December 31, 2011

The final days with the Friedlands

The Friedlands returned from Buenos Aires and, unfortunately, Andrew returned ill so he spent a lot of the day in the aparthotel while we attempted a "hike" in the foothills.  We went to Parque Natural Aguas de Ramon which we visited back in October and decided to take a much shorter walk than last time because of moods, heat, moods and heat.  I believe the hike was a total of 1 km but we made it to the picnic spot AND back.

We spent more time picnicing than walking but it was a nice shady spot.

One of the moods

Samantha's friend who she wanted to take home to California

The stream that cooled and entertained for quite a while
We headed to the Estadio for a swim where Andrew and Rob joined us and then off for some Chilean sushi and some Chinese food overflowing with beansprouts which seems pretty typical.  The sushi here is almost exclusively avocado, salmon and queso crema (or what they call "Philadelphia" here) rolls in different configurations.  There are apparently a few places that make "traditional" nigiri but I haven't seen one yet.

Not our sushi but a typical display and, yes, sometimes that serve it with mayonnaise!

Their last day we played tourist again and headed to Pueblito Los Domincos for some souvenir shopping and a snack.  The final afternoon was spent swimming and eating at home and then they were off.

Again - the cat theme

Chau Friedlands!
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