Thursday, December 29, 2011

More proof of a good time with Nana Sarah

Day three with Nana Sarah was focused completely on babysitting rather than attempting another adventure:

Too hot to make cookies so we just ate the chocolate chip cookie dough.  This was around 2:30 .  Notice that 3/5 are still wearing pajamas.  Samantha and Jonathan joined me for a Farmers Market run earlier.  

The Raton del Diete continues to creep through our apartment.  Unfortunately it is corn on the cob season here.

They used to fit better

Samantha is teaching Elisa a card game that is in Spanish (Renee taught her)

Their first introduction to reading on our Kindles while waiting for Mommy and Daddy to return from Buenos Aires.  Samantha really wanted to read "with buttons" like Naomi.
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  1. Happy (almost) New Year to the Nerenbergs! Been thinking of you all. Oliver misses Jonathan and can't wait for his triumphant return.

    Looks like you're having a wonderful time. It's cold here!

    Take care and safe travels.

  2. Happy New Year from us as well Sarah! I have been trying to post, keep forgetting my pass-word, need to re-set it, and then get distracted when I go back to write.

    Not sure if you got to see the game tonight. Looks like there is a BIG quarterback problem.

    Little Bit is very excited (and has been all month). We are having a playdate with five other girls tomorrow. Frankly, she has about driven us into the ground this month, as she has been so very excited about the Christmas festivities. It is hard to believe she can keep up this energy level. I frankly don't think I was ever that energetic, but there is slight evidence that it may have been the case... in grade nine my home-ec teacher had us calculate our caloric intake and I distinctly remember I consumed around 2,000 calories each day, just from milk!!! Of course, I was walking several miles every day, but my teacher accused me of lying and marked me down. I was a little thinner back then...

    Oops! There goes Owen again.

  3. Elisa looks a bit like Wayne gretsky!
