Saturday, December 31, 2011

The final days with the Friedlands

The Friedlands returned from Buenos Aires and, unfortunately, Andrew returned ill so he spent a lot of the day in the aparthotel while we attempted a "hike" in the foothills.  We went to Parque Natural Aguas de Ramon which we visited back in October and decided to take a much shorter walk than last time because of moods, heat, moods and heat.  I believe the hike was a total of 1 km but we made it to the picnic spot AND back.

We spent more time picnicing than walking but it was a nice shady spot.

One of the moods

Samantha's friend who she wanted to take home to California

The stream that cooled and entertained for quite a while
We headed to the Estadio for a swim where Andrew and Rob joined us and then off for some Chilean sushi and some Chinese food overflowing with beansprouts which seems pretty typical.  The sushi here is almost exclusively avocado, salmon and queso crema (or what they call "Philadelphia" here) rolls in different configurations.  There are apparently a few places that make "traditional" nigiri but I haven't seen one yet.

Not our sushi but a typical display and, yes, sometimes that serve it with mayonnaise!

Their last day we played tourist again and headed to Pueblito Los Domincos for some souvenir shopping and a snack.  The final afternoon was spent swimming and eating at home and then they were off.

Again - the cat theme

Chau Friedlands!
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Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Eve Celebrations

I have been preoccupied with family and haven’t thought a bit about New Year’s Eve. The one thing that I have heard is that everybody drives to the coast to see an amazing display of fireworks in Valparaiso. A good reason to avoid the coast right now!

There is also a countdown in downtown Santiago with fireworks and because it is summer there are a lot of asados (barbeques) and family gatherings well into the night/early morning.

Traditionally, Chileans have a lot of superstitions and from my brief google search this proves true with their New Year’s traditions.

Chile New Years Traditions taken completely from somebody else's blog:
  • Empty Suit Case: Walk around the block with an empty suit case, doing this will mean that you will take a trip in the incoming year. [I may walk around with a full one - I will have had enough trips for a while after this year!]
  • 12 grapes, one for each month: Eat one grape at a time and while you make a wish with each one. 
  • Lentils: Eat a spoon full of lentils, this means you will have money this new year. 
  • Dollars in Right Shoe: This means you will have money this next year. 
  • New Clothes: Wear only new clothes this will bring on new changes for the new year [sounds like Rosh Hashanah]
  • Yellow Underwear: This will make you engaged in the New Year. 
  • 12 Candles: Light the 12 different colored candles that have different meanings each. 
  • Gold Ring in the Champagne: Toast with a gold ring in the glass, this means you will get a marriage proposal this new year. 
A few more from one of the blogs I read a lot - cachandochile:
  • Wheat for Abundance: ribbon-wrapped sprigs of wheat are commonly sold on the streets of Santiago at Christmas time and some people distribute them to each guest at midnight on New Year’s Eve to bring abundance.
  • Burning the bad: this fun and even emotional ceremony requires tying a life-sized stuffed dummy to a stake and shortly after midnight, all the participants write something they want to change in the coming year, attach it to the dummy, which is then set it on fire. The bad things in your life go up in flames!

I’ll see how many we actually observe but I may put money in my shoe just in case. Although everybody is wearing sandals so I am not sure how that will work. I’ll keep yellow underwear and the ring away from my children.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

More proof of a good time with Nana Sarah

Day three with Nana Sarah was focused completely on babysitting rather than attempting another adventure:

Too hot to make cookies so we just ate the chocolate chip cookie dough.  This was around 2:30 .  Notice that 3/5 are still wearing pajamas.  Samantha and Jonathan joined me for a Farmers Market run earlier.  

The Raton del Diete continues to creep through our apartment.  Unfortunately it is corn on the cob season here.

They used to fit better

Samantha is teaching Elisa a card game that is in Spanish (Renee taught her)

Their first introduction to reading on our Kindles while waiting for Mommy and Daddy to return from Buenos Aires.  Samantha really wanted to read "with buttons" like Naomi.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mostly for Rachel and Andrew

Rachel and Andrew (and anybody who cares) - they really are having a good time.

Naomi on the Air Trail

The pool may have been closed but we had a water balloon and water gun fight

A game of driedel (complete with Elisa's Spanish pronunciation of the Hebrew letters)

The rope park - It was open on Tuesdays!

We bought an Aerobie disk

Enjoying a palta-ave (chicken and avocado) sandwich at the Estadio after swimming

The fall back option!  Check out the twin outfits.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Days three and four on the coast with the Friedlands

Continuing the theme of the vacation photo blog:

My parents went to the coast when they were here in October and recommended driving north to the wealthy town of Zapallar.  It was lovely.

We walked along the beach and behind several mansions all equipped with helicopter pads.

We met some Americans who suggested this restaurant one town south on the beach.  The kids rebelled against yet another meal of fish but we enjoyed it.

perhaps the Pisco helped.....

or the cortado?

The restaurant was next to an island with a colony of penguins - Humboldt, I believe.

A close up with bad resolution - they are really there!

This one is for Grandma - continued use of past Hanukkah gifts - yes, they are Lands End

Very dated aparthotel pool - it worked for hours of entertainment

Everybody on their "i"-things in the one place with an internet connection

Day 4 - the beach/boardwalk in Vina del Mar - it felt like a resort that was.  The sand sculptures were great.

The jesters playing the accordion were creepy.

The gringos couldn't get over the relatively cold beach temperatures.

This guy has been making sand sculptures in this exact spot for five years.  Must be lucrative or a lot of fun.  He said that he is interested in ice sculptures but hasn't found his venue yet ;-)
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Monday, December 26, 2011

First Day with Nana Sarah

My sister and brother-in-law are off to Buenos Aires for 2 nights/3 days and we are watching the kids.  Camp Nana Sarah has begun with a bang, or should I say not the way it was supposed to be but everybody is basically in a good mood.

Plan #1 - Rope Park - it was closed on Mondays for maintenance:
Plan #2 - Go to Mall Sport - our favorite activity, the human hamster ball, was closed.  Naomi and Renee were the only ones who found something to do - the obstacle course hanging from the ceiling (Air Trail)
Plan #3 - We went to a restaurant and Rob was supposed to come and join us driving the car and then bring back a subset by car because the buses were really hot but I had the car keys!
Plan #4 - Go swimming at the pool at our building (the Estadio was closed for an employee party) and the pool was closed for maintenance and then Elisa stepped on a bee while we had a water fight.

Making another round of latkes - should keep the spirits up and the pimples coming.

Blogs on our time on the coast coming soon - when I come up to breathe ;-)

Days one and two on the coast with the Friedlands

I am going to take my brother's lead and just let the pictures tell the story:

Hanukkah Day 2 - My Dad Skyped in for the blessings on the candles

Stopped at a winery (Veramonte) on the way to the coast - no tours, just tasting 

Restaurant in Reneca - picked by Andrew.  Had a "menu" (lunch with many courses for just $15) complete with a starter Pisco Sour

Restaurant entertainment

First round of Pisco Sours on the coast

Many, many pelican relatives

The view from our aparthotel - Bahia Bonita - worked out great with two adjacent apartments with kitchens and nice walks.  We just had a very late lunch and a swim at the hotel the first day.

A map of the area of Valparaiso that we explored the second day

This was our way up the hill:

Rachel with ?

The theme, at least for Renee, was where to find the stray cats - this didn't cut it.

This didn't cut it either but she did eventually bond with a family of black cats

Is that Fran or Rachel?

The small bakery that we "discovered" last visit when 3/5 of us were recovering from some sort of food poisoning.

Sin food poisoning - this time we tried out a restaurant.  

This one specialized in Belgium food complete with a Crepe Suzette - mmmmmmm

It also had a lot of interesting garden art.

and a cat!

The way down.
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