Thursday, June 7, 2012

Punta del Este Round #2

Note to self:  early June in Punta del Este can be nasty.

The kids finished school last Friday and with the last 17 days we decided to spend five with my in-laws in Punta del Este, Uruguay and four in Pisco Elqui, Chile and the weekends in-between in Santiago to hang out at the Estadio and with friends.  We leave on Monday, June 18th and will be back in South Bend late in the afternoon on June 19th.  Whew!

The weather is not cooperating much but we came here to spend time with Abuela y Abuelo so it doesn't really matter.  That said, we are still on-the-go.  

Rob, Alberto (my father-in-law) and Jonathan headed into town and the port to see what was going on before the rains and wind hit.  Our favorite lobos de mar were hanging out waiting for their daily feeding.

Many of the restaurants are closed or with limited hours so we headed off to Barney's a favorite fast-food-ish place at Punta Shopping where Renee challenged Alberto to a thumb wrestling match.

We than all checked out a new dairy farm and cheese factory, Talar, that is being built near their old blueberry farm (actually over the hill) where they are trying to run it in an ecologically-sound manner.  Not easy with all those cows!  My favorite part was the back scratchers that they have for the cows.  Apparently there is research that shows that a well scratched dairy cow will produce more milk - who knew?

They have plans to start producing alfajores but just made cheese for now.  I don't think that I ever blogged about alfajores but they are basically two cookies with dulce de leche inside often covered with chocolate.  There are many commercial and homemade variations that are enjoyed throughout Latin America but mostly in Argentina.  

They never really grew on me but Rob has bought and eaten enough this past month to hold him over until our next visit.  I may just have to learn how to make them.....

Wednesday the rains and winds were too strong and the will was too weak to do anything so we hung out at cafes, the kids and abuelos made empanadas and we all ate them!

Thursday Elisa and I joined Alberto in a Pilates class and were in awe of what his 83, almost 84, year old body could do!  May we all be in such great shape at that age!

Of course, it was followed by an early Father's Day lunch at Guappa where Alberto and Renee shared a volcan de chocolate.  Perhaps it is actually his sweet tooth that has kept him in shape!

Today, Friday....back to Santiago!

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