Monday, June 11, 2012

Jonathan's thoughts

Okay. Today it's Jonathan writing. I've decided to write my own post about what I think about our trip to Chile. I've had a good time overall and I'll miss everyone (well maybe not EVERYONE) and everything (almost). First I will tell you guys about some of my friends.  Here they are:

1. Tommy
2 .Miguel
3. Ben
4. Ari (new kid born in Chile coming home from nine years in the States)         
5. More Roberto (are all music teachers always sooooo good?)                    
6. Mora Mane (I've always had good connections with librarians)                     
7. Mister David (english teacher)                    
[Key - More (Mister); Mora (Miss); Mister (More)]

I usually get along well with everybody in my class- I said IN MY CLASS.

As we get to the end of our year, I am realizing how many things I'll miss besides taking an elevater to get to our apartment, annoying the people in the apartment below us, being close enough to my sisters in the car to hit them, etc., etc., etc. And they are- drum-roll please: 

1. The mountains

This morning's sunrise from our apartment
2. The view at night
3. The smog (not)
4. Playing soccer at school 
5. Great soccer games- Chile beat Venezuela 2-0.Wooooohooooo!!!

I'm going to be sad to leave but I look forward to seeing my friends in South Bend.


  1. It has taken me a while to get back on your blog with the kids out of school. Owen is also now at the "mommy" stage - I leave, he cries, no hands to do anything. Right now I have him in his car seat and playing with an hour glass. I did discover today that Owen loves Cookie Monster, particularly if I do the voice. I fnd this quite remarkable when Owen has never seen Sesame Street. It sort of reminds me of the day Kelson discovered toy guns at the store (flashback - "please, please stop trying to play with them!"), but in a kinder, gentler way.
    I enjoyed the lists of hits and misses, and all the things you are looking forward to. Surely Jonathan is looking forward to see the twins, as well as getting a dog, although perhaps the dog ranks higher overall. I assume the kdis are lookign forward to swimming at Swanson, and I do hope Elisa's prowess in the pool will wear off on Sarah. Although she has had many months of swimming lessons now, and she does not require me to be next to her full-time, nevertheless, she is still afraid of sinking. I have a dreadful feeling that she is taking after Peter, and it is going to take an awful lot of work to get her past her fears.
    Some of your non-misses remind me of New Mexico. We love the state, but I absolutely do not miss the drivers going through red lights, or the drunk drivers. I do miss the mountains!!! Peter has to take the field trip next year back to the Rio Grande Valley, so I think we might tag along, or at the very least send Kelson.
    Sarah hates Owen taking naps, so he is more than a little grumpy, and I am afraid he is calling for me again. I will try and find a source of Monster High cards, but be aware that the "ladies that lunch", or maybe breakfast are looking forward to a looong chat, and I have a little girl here who is desparate to see Elisa.
    See you real soon:-)

  2. Hey Jonathan (from Patrick and Leo)--We can't wait to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do.

    See you next week!
