Monday, June 18, 2012

Chau Chile!

The Los Libertadores Pass on our way back from Mendoza 

Some final quotes collected along the way:

Elisa:  A few months ago, Elisa, who has been the silent one through most of this adventure simply said "When you go someplace for a year, you make friends and you feel like you should stay there."  I said "mmmmm" and we moved on.  So different from a twelve year old.

Jonathan:  This week I saw something out of my school window that I'd never see out of my Kennedy (school at home) window - mountains with snow on them!

Sarah:  Wow, look at the mountains!  Come on, Renee, you have to admit that they are gorgeous.....

Rob:  When asked what food he will miss in Chile all he could think of was a cortado and alfajor.  So much for his love of cochayuyo!

Renee:  It's over.

Summer awaits us - Tuesday's forecast in South Bend - Partly cloudy.  High of 97F- oy!

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