Monday, June 11, 2012

Friends in Santiago

In just 11 months we have all made some great friends here that we will truly miss.  Luckily, there is e-mail, Facebook and Skype!

Elisa's Friends

Lia - playing with Monster High cards
Nicole - on a Bomba Israel firetruck
Dalia and Nicole

Elisa and Fernanda
Elisa and Daniela
Fernanda, Yael, Elisa, Nicole and Dalia at Elisa' going away party
Ninos de 2A

Ninas de 2A

Jonathan's Friends

Ben Hasson



Renee's Friends

Renee's classmates:  Rivka, Naomi E., Dana H., Naomi S., Galia, Mijal

Michel, Camila, Vania, Joanna, and Renee (Carol and Kike too)

My friends

Dorit (Israeli with New York and Santiago thrown in, Mom of Lia )

Jessica and Michael - Two amazing involved Instituto Hebreo and Estadio parents who grew up speaking English and helped us through various challenges.
Caro (a family friend of Rob's who lives in Chile now and endured gymnastics meets and more with me)

Daniela (Tali's Mom and a former Cambridge, MA resident)

Daniela (the Instituto Hebreo Director's wife, Argentine, a writer, a fellow blogger)

Patty and Daniza of the Libraria 
My going away dinner - Eti, Daniela, Caro, Dorit, Sandra and Jessica (sorry about that Jessica!) at yummy Zanzibar
Swim team buddies (Dorit and Barbara aren't pictured)

Rob's Friends/Colleagues

Rob and the Argentine Diegos

Pablo, Nacho, Robo, Gonzalo, Pancho, y Carlos

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