Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of Renee's favorite foods is chicken tamales so we have waited patiently for the first sign of humitas.   They are traditional in many parts of South America but are prepared a little different in each country. They are made with fresh corn so you cannot get them year round.

In Chile they are usually sweet and are made with fresh corn, onion, basil and butter or lard.  They are wrapped in the corn husks and then, I think, usually boiled.  The first one that I bought was exceedingly sweet and Renee didn't like it.  Apparently they can also be made with aji verde (green chili pepper) - perhaps that will go over better but it will never be a chicken tamale although I have heard rumors that they may be cooked with chicken or cheese inside.  We'll be on the look-out.

Bought at our local Farmer's Market

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