Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Friedlands tackle the heat

Today is the first day of summer here but it seems like summer has been here for a while.  I personally love the dry heat but it has been a challenge for the Friedland family that is used to San Francisco.   Most houses and apartments are not air conditioned nor is public transportation but thankfully they have an air conditioning unit in their aparthotel.  We try to start the day early when it is still cool out but have not yet been successful.  On Monday we went downtown and toured La Vega (the fruit and veggie market), Mercado Central (the fish market), had lunch at a Peruvian restaurant, and ended up at Plaza de Armas.  The hit was the misters in the Metro station.

The day ended with swimming at our apartment.

Tuesday we did the classic tourist thing and went to San Cristobal and up the mountain on the funicular with the first stop at the zoo and made sure, despite the heat, to check out the llamas, vicunas, and guanacos.  We had lunch at a classic Chilean restaurant, headed to the Estadio for a swim, and were treated to a cazuela and pie de limon from Marcela, our Nana.

OK, not native, but darn cute.  J. and I spent 15 minutes just watching him eat!
They have a great aviary at the zoo divided into two sections - one for native birds and one for exotics.

A native bird - you are on for ID Max!

Another native bird - Max?

More hydration and cooling off

Pie de Limon - we'll make latkes tomorrow night

Making our hanukiah out of  wood and bottlecaps

First night of Hannukah (our handmade hanukiah ended up catching fire - bad planning)

The Best of Hannukah by Samantha!
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1 comment:

  1. Before seeing the picture, I thought the "misters in the subway" was some singing group!
