Monday, December 26, 2011

Days one and two on the coast with the Friedlands

I am going to take my brother's lead and just let the pictures tell the story:

Hanukkah Day 2 - My Dad Skyped in for the blessings on the candles

Stopped at a winery (Veramonte) on the way to the coast - no tours, just tasting 

Restaurant in Reneca - picked by Andrew.  Had a "menu" (lunch with many courses for just $15) complete with a starter Pisco Sour

Restaurant entertainment

First round of Pisco Sours on the coast

Many, many pelican relatives

The view from our aparthotel - Bahia Bonita - worked out great with two adjacent apartments with kitchens and nice walks.  We just had a very late lunch and a swim at the hotel the first day.

A map of the area of Valparaiso that we explored the second day

This was our way up the hill:

Rachel with ?

The theme, at least for Renee, was where to find the stray cats - this didn't cut it.

This didn't cut it either but she did eventually bond with a family of black cats

Is that Fran or Rachel?

The small bakery that we "discovered" last visit when 3/5 of us were recovering from some sort of food poisoning.

Sin food poisoning - this time we tried out a restaurant.  

This one specialized in Belgium food complete with a Crepe Suzette - mmmmmmm

It also had a lot of interesting garden art.

and a cat!

The way down.
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