Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sopaipillas Pasadas

As promised, Marcela showed me how to make sopaipillas pasada.  Apparently, they are best consumed on a rainy cold day in winter but we, hopefully, will not be staying long enough to enjoy one of those days!

The sauce was made from chancaca, lemon rind, and a cinnamon stick boiled together until quite fragrant and then some corn starch was added to thicken it up.  The sopaipillas were made with pureed pumpkin, flour, baking powder, and butter.  They are then cut into circles and fried.

Con azucar flor

The video makes it look more like a witches brew than it is ;-)  I giggle every time that I watch it!

Marcela revolviendo la sopaipillas pasadas

Listos para pebre o otra salsas saladas

She made enough sopaipillas to last a while so we will probably freeze some.  They are sort of like a doughnut - I bet that the kids will gobble them up.

P.S.  Today I hit 10,000 page views.  Not a lot in the blogosphere but it sure sounds like a lot to me!  Thanks for continuing to read.

1 comment:

  1. Update: The kids liked the ones covered in powdered sugar and the plain ones with pebre. Thumbs down on the brew.
