Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jonathan's Birthday Celebrations

On Jonathan's actual birthday, at his request, we went out as a family to a typical Chilean restaurant - Tip y Tap - where he ordered a lomo a la pobre and ate the whole adult-size portion.  I guess he is growing?

What he was allowed to drink based on his age (Chilean drink a lot of fruit juices - this was just strawberry)

What he really wanted to drink (my Pisco Sour)

Lomo a la Pobre - he ate it all!

Jonathan's party was the next day and was definitely more low-key than Elisa's.  We had it at the Estadio and invited the boys from his class and a few other friends.  As promised, I made a vehicle cake but it ended up being much more difficult than I imagined.  I didn't realize that I would be breaking cultural barriers by doing it.   The challenge given to me was to replicate our Hyundai Accent complete with all the bumps and bruises it has received from our pushing it into four-wheel drive territory.  The main challenge was to find something to write the letters and numbers on the license plate.

The real thing
Not one of my masterpieces but it did include all of the dents that we have made and some hot chocolate mix to emphasize the joy of owning a white car in a city with little rain and a lot of dust!

Renee's contribution - the license plate!

I thought that it would be fun to visit a cake decorating supply store downtown.  Everybody recommended Cherry so off I went on an adventure.  The web site made it sound much bigger than it is - it is basically a hole-in-the-wall with every piece of the wall covered in product.  I told them, in Spanish, that I needed something to write in black on a cake.  They replied "Is it a cake with meringue on top or fondant?"  I wasn't prepared with the word for icing or frosting so we stared at each other until he said "frosting?"  "Ya," I answered to which he replied, in Spanish, "then you must be making cupcakes."  We went back and forth on the subject for a while as I tried to explain that frosting could be used for cakes too but he wasn't willing to give in so I finally just told him I needed it to write on cupcakes.  In the end, he didn't have anything but sold me some black food-coloring and I made a tip out of a plastic bag.  These type of occurrences remind me how set we all are in our ways!

The party was a mix of different types of sports - Jonathan making a save.
Hot dogs with all of the fixings (mayo, tomato, avocado)

This was before they egged him on to do a "tortasso," basically smashing your face into your cake.  Lovely tradition.

Tommy, Jonathan's buddy

Miguel, another buddy (with Ben on the left)  Notice the La U (Universidad de Chile) futbol shirt

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